A New Beginning

Hello! Welcome to the new and improved If You Give A Girl A Fork!

Its been a while.

For the past few years I've battled with myself on whether to continue to share my culinary adventure with the world. I haven't given up my love of food and cooking, nor have I stopped traveling the country in search of the best it has to offer. I've been focusing on enjoying those moments, but still find myself sharing new places and cooking advice with friends and family. I found myself still passionately talking about this new ramen place or that new taco stand and I wondered why I wasn't translating that passion though the keyboard and onto my readers.

So I ask that you join me again in exploring Chicago, a city that I hold so dear to my heart, as well as all the new cities and places I'll stumble upon in my travels. I promise there will be no lack of amazing restaurants and food recommendations. In between those travels join me in my kitchen as I play around with new recipes. I've built up quite a few cookbooks over time and I've been dying to share what's inside.

Thank you to everyone who has encouraged me to continue in sharing my passion.
